The secret to getting great results when using adhesives tape for glass, wood and plastic is to use the correct type of adhesive. Other than the correct choice of adhesive, you should also give a lot of consideration to the surface, especially when they are not treated, as this will have a direct impact on the results. Here are a few tips worth keeping in mind when applying adhesives to plastic, wood, and glass.
Applying adhesives to plastic
For plastics, you should differentiate between old or weathered surfaces and new surfaces. The chemicals exuded by plastics over time are very unforgiving when applying adhesive to old surfaces and this is why you won’t get results when you use adhesives on old surfaces.
Again, the softening agents present in the adhesives will always react with the plastic surfaces, thus causing discoloration and weakening the adhesive bonds. As such, the use of adhesives on plastic should only be used as a short term solution.
Applying adhesives to wood
For wood, the adhesive tape used should have as little adhesion as possible, whether or not it is used on an unfinished or finished wooden surface. When it comes to removing the tapes, it should be done slowly, with a diagonal pull motion so that the wood grains or the finish isnr damaged.
Applying adhesive to glass surfaces
If the surface upon which you are applying the adhesive will be exposed to direct sunlight, then the best type of tape is a UV-resistant acrylic adhesive tapes. This is because the regular exposure to direct sunlight will expose the tape to the deadly UV rays which will end up compromising the strength of the tape’s adhesion. If any other type of tape is used, bonding may soon be lost and it may be necessary to make another application.
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